Author: Ray Bradbury
Pages read: 221 - 278
Why did absolutely everyone need to leave the cold places of the world? Is that really the history of Charles Dickens? I think that people in the future live more luxurious lives, so "bad" weather is considered too lowly for people to have to live in. For instance, it says, "'Why,' said Samuel Welles quietly, 'it's simple, Harry. The weather here is bad. Always has been. No one dared speak of it, for nothing could be done. But now, England is finished.'" (Ray Bradbury Stories - 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales, "Henry the Ninth" 273). This shows that the people of England have always tolerated the weather, but only now, because they have more luxuries, do they believe they should leave to go to warmer, more tropical places. Places with generally better weather. Question Two: Is, "Any Friend of Nicholas Nicklebey's is a Friend of Mine" really the history of Charles Dickensdo not believe that that it is actually Charles Dicken's history. Because, that would mean that Ray Bradbury was Pip, a child who inspired many of Charles' Dickens's stories. I do not believe that Ray Bradbury and Charles Dickens lived in the same time period. Actually, I am quite positive they did not live in the same time period, so the before statement is rather unnecessary. Charles Dickens was a writer who lived in the 19th century, and died in 1870. Ray Bradbury is actually still alive. In order to have been alive when Charles Dickens was, Mr. Bradbury would be over 150 years old. Therefore, it can be made quite plain that Mr. Bradbury created a fictional tale of Mr. Dickens' origins.
Book: Ray Bradbury Stories - 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales
Author: Ray Bradbury
Pages read: 278 - 339