Book: Physik
Author: Angie Sage
Date: 10/14/11
Pages Read: 70 - 106

Queen Etheldredda has ill intentions for Jenna and Septimus, and possibly for the entire castle. You can see this when she says, "'I have something to tell you, Granddaughter, and I suggest you listen well. It will be greatly to your
adoptive brother's disadvantage if you do not.' Jenna stopped - she recognized a threat when she heard one."(Pg 90) This displays that Queen Etheldredda is going to tell Jenna something that will hurt Septimus. A blackmail. I believe she has ill intentions for Septimus and Jenna because she wants to regain power at the castle, and is therefore trying to rid the castle of any obstacles in her way.
Book: Physik
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 153 - 192

I have noticed that the people do not tend to notice Jenna as the Princess until they have shown disrespect. One example of this is, "In a moment the RatStranglers had surrounded the kennel, banging their lids and chanting.... the noise subsided as the RatStranglers, who in their excitement had not noticed the Princess, put down their lids. The chant petered out into an embarrassed silence." (Pg. 191) Another example is, "A moment later the window was thrown open and an angry Wizard poked her head out. 'Hey!' she yelled. 'Can't you keep that beast under control? It took me three days to scrape the last stuff off,' and then, seeing that it was Jenna rather than Septimus with the dragon, 'Oh. Oh, dear. Sorry, Your Majesty,' and slammed the window closed." (Pg. 185) These were only a couple of many examples when the citizens of the Castle show disrespect, as they would to a fellow citizen, and then become embarrassed and humble when they realize it is the Princess. I think they do this many times to display how Jenna has recently realized she is the Princess and is not used to being shown respect, and neither are the citizens in showing respect.
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