Book - Midnighters: Touching Darkness
Author: Scott Westerfield
Pages Read: 45 - 75
Melissa is a girl who attempts to shut out the world and anyone's feelings for her by constantly wearing a mask of seriousness, and of being uninterested. An example of this is when, "She laughed, radiant for a moment. But then her face turned serious, and she stared out the front windshield." (Westerfield 49) This displays that she can be funny and happy and normal, but she chooses to always be serious and boredom. I believe she chooses to be like this because she is a mindcaster, which means she can read, more like feel, other people's emotions, their thoughts. She usually is overwhelmed in the town's daylight hours by petty normal people thoughts and whatnot, and she usually tries to block people out like this so she can stay as disconnected from them as possible, otherwise she gets overwhelmed.
Book - Midnighters: Touching Darkness
Author: Scott Westerfield
Pages Read: 98 - 137

From Rex's perspective, he thinks that the lore and symbols control everything. He believes that the seer should have the leadership role and that the rest of the midnighters would follow his lead. He thinks that if you control the lore, than you control the world. Or at least the midnight world. This is displayed when it is said, "Leave it to Rex to be convinced the threat was over because he had his hands on the flame-bringer domino. It figured. That was the way he saw the world: control the symbols, control everything." (Westerfield 137) This displays that he thinks that a seer, being the only one who can read and understand the lore, should lead and can control everything that happens. It think he believes this because in the past, from his studying, he can tell that the seer used to be the leader, that the seer used to control with the lore. He wanted it to be like that for him, not just an unappreciated midnighter whose talent wasn't that useful. He wanted it to be like the old days when he had a large role in midnighter happenings.
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