Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Reading Log Week 9

Book: Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse
Author: Rick Riordan
Pages Read: 232 - 269

Did Bianca really die? What will happen to the Ophiotaurus? How with the battle on Mount Othrys end? Who is the subject of the major prophecy about a child of the Big Three? I believe that Bianca did not, in fact, really die because she is a Hunter so she is immortal. This is justified when it says on page 41, "'Once they swear loyalty to me [Artemis], they are indeed immortal...unless they fall in battle, which is unlikely. Or break their oath.'". I also believe that the Ophiotaurus will not be sacrificed and that it will become protected by the gods on Mount Olympus. When it says, "'So maybe we can get him back to Long Island Sound,' Grover said, 'Then Chiron could help us get him to Olympus.'" (Riordan 242). I think that the battle currently taking place will end in the rescue of Artemis and Annabeth, but Zoë will most likely die in battle. This is shown when it says, "'My lady!' Zoë rushed forward, but Artemis said, 'Stop! It is a trap. You must leave now.'...Zoë was crying. She ran forward despite Artemis's protests, and tugged at the chains." (Riordan 260) it shows that Zoë was willing to die for Artemis, which foreshadows that she probably will. I also think that Nico is the subject of the prophecy about the child of the Big Three, and he and Bianca will have actually been children of Hades, most likely, as Zeus and Poseidon have already had children. I believe that these things will happen because of the fact that as an author, Rick Riordan would have wanted many twists and turns in the plot, as well as a fairly happy ending. These predictions cover those requirements.

Book: Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse
Author: Rick Riordan
Pages Read: 269 - 306
vertebrae (n): any of the bones or segments composing the spinal column, consisting typically of a cylindrical body and an arch with various processes, and forming a foramen, or opening, through which the spinal cord passes.
Sentence included in: "I felt like the vertebrae in my spine had been welded together by a blowtorch." (270)

caduceus(n): the staff carried by Mercury/Hermes as messenger of the gods.
Sentence included in: "Hermes got a call on his caduceus and walked away." (295)

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