Book--Roanoke: a Novel of the Lost Colony
Author--Sonia Levitin
Pages read: 133 - 162
I am wondering if William is falling in love Telana, even though she is a savage girl? An example of why I wonder this is when William said, "He [Hugh] nodded toward the center of the ceremonial circle, where Telana stood with two other girls. 'That one's well favored,' he murmured. 'I wouldn't mind...' 'She's Manteo's cousin,' I said quickly, reluctant, somehow, to tell him more." This shows that William did not want to get his friend interested in Telana, because perhaps he wanted Telana for himself. This means hat possibly, he is going to fall in love with Telana in the end, therefore creating conflict.
Book--Roanoke: a Novel of the Lost Colony
Author--Sonia Levitin
Pages read: 162 - 190
Floundering (v): To struggle clumsily.
This word was used in the story to describe William's struggle with what to say or what to do in the colonies with so many new people and so many old faces. This word is important to the story because it summarizes the colony of Roanoke and what it is facing right now and it shows how the savages, or Native Americans, were struggling to have good relationships with the colony of Roanoke and how the English colonies were always struggling.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Reading Log Week 6
Book - Midnighters: Touching Darkness
Author: Scott Westerfield
Pages Read: 45 - 75
Melissa is a girl who attempts to shut out the world and anyone's feelings for her by constantly wearing a mask of seriousness, and of being uninterested. An example of this is when, "She laughed, radiant for a moment. But then her face turned serious, and she stared out the front windshield." (Westerfield 49) This displays that she can be funny and happy and normal, but she chooses to always be serious and boredom. I believe she chooses to be like this because she is a mindcaster, which means she can read, more like feel, other people's emotions, their thoughts. She usually is overwhelmed in the town's daylight hours by petty normal people thoughts and whatnot, and she usually tries to block people out like this so she can stay as disconnected from them as possible, otherwise she gets overwhelmed.
Book - Midnighters: Touching Darkness
Author: Scott Westerfield
Pages Read: 98 - 137
From Rex's perspective, he thinks that the lore and symbols control everything. He believes that the seer should have the leadership role and that the rest of the midnighters would follow his lead. He thinks that if you control the lore, than you control the world. Or at least the midnight world. This is displayed when it is said, "Leave it to Rex to be convinced the threat was over because he had his hands on the flame-bringer domino. It figured. That was the way he saw the world: control the symbols, control everything." (Westerfield 137) This displays that he thinks that a seer, being the only one who can read and understand the lore, should lead and can control everything that happens. It think he believes this because in the past, from his studying, he can tell that the seer used to be the leader, that the seer used to control with the lore. He wanted it to be like that for him, not just an unappreciated midnighter whose talent wasn't that useful. He wanted it to be like the old days when he had a large role in midnighter happenings.
Author: Scott Westerfield
Pages Read: 45 - 75
Melissa is a girl who attempts to shut out the world and anyone's feelings for her by constantly wearing a mask of seriousness, and of being uninterested. An example of this is when, "She laughed, radiant for a moment. But then her face turned serious, and she stared out the front windshield." (Westerfield 49) This displays that she can be funny and happy and normal, but she chooses to always be serious and boredom. I believe she chooses to be like this because she is a mindcaster, which means she can read, more like feel, other people's emotions, their thoughts. She usually is overwhelmed in the town's daylight hours by petty normal people thoughts and whatnot, and she usually tries to block people out like this so she can stay as disconnected from them as possible, otherwise she gets overwhelmed.
Book - Midnighters: Touching Darkness
Author: Scott Westerfield
Pages Read: 98 - 137

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Reading Log Week 5
Book: Syren
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 495 - 558
Jim Knee, or the jinnee, is very grumpy with Septimus and his friends and only reluctantly does what he says. I think he is going to turn on them even though he is obliged to do whatever Septimus says, and that he will be the factor that lead to their downfall. You can see that Jim Knee does not enjoy being Septimus's jinnee when the narrator says, "Jim Knee looked extremely grumpy. After a long pause he answered reluctantly, 'Jim Knee,' and then added, 'Oh Clever One.'" (Sage 521). Another instance is when, "If his Master insisted that he become a giant turtle, then a giant turtle he had to become. But it didn't stop the jinnee from bargaining. 'I'll do it for ten minutes, no longer, Oh Wearisome One,' he said...'No more than twenty minutes, I pray you, Oh Pitiless One,' Jim Knee wheedled....'Very well, Oh Ruthless One,' said Jim Knee gloomily." (Sage 540) and another time it is discovered just how much respect Jim Knee had for his master, "The jinnee had more respect for a decomposing tentacle than he did for his Master." (Sage 547) From all of these instances, it is not hard to guess that Jim Knee did not have very much liking for his Master. You can tell this for when he calls Septimus increasingly insulting names, going from "Clever" to "Ruthless". I believe that he is so grumpy with Septimus because he had spent so long trying to find him and has been on such a grueling journey, and he is just originally slightly snappy that it results in his ultimate dislike of his Master.
Book: Syren
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 558 - 607
I have noticed that every book involves someone who is in danger or not with the rest of the group, and they need to go and rescue them, but somehow end up in danger themselves. In the first book (Magyk), the baby Jenna was in danger and then she was rescued by Silas and his family, who ended up in mortal danger at one point also. Also in the first book, Marcia was captured and held in a cell and the entire story sort of revolved around her capture. In the third book (Physik), Septimus becomes stuck in a Time five hundred years ago, and the story revolves around his rescue. Nicko and Snorri become stuck in that Time by the end of the book. In the fourth book (Queste), Nicko and Snorri are stuck in another Time and Jenna, Septimus, and Beetle must go and rescue them. In the process, Jenna, Septimus, and Beetle almost get stuck in that same Time also. In this book, Syrah is in mortal danger the entire time, as well as Septimus, Jenna, and Beetle, who are soon joined by Wolf Boy and Lucy. As you can see, in almost every book, the same basic narrative arc is used. I believe the author uses this in most books to create a recurring theme or to tie all the books together in some way, because they tend to have completely different plots only loosely interlinked.
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 495 - 558
Book: Syren
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 558 - 607
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Reading Log Week 4
Book: Queste
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 474 - 515
I have noticed that a trend was when the Drawing happened and Septimus had to escape in order to escape the Queste, but he got the Queste anyway. You can see this when it says, "'No,' snapped Beetle suddenly. 'This has nothing to do with Nicko now. We are with Sep, and Sep is on the Queste. He has no choice. Once you Accept the Stone, Your Will is Not Your Own. Isn't that right, Sep?'" (Pg. 505) You can tell that the Acceptance of the Questing Stone which officially seals his fate to go on the Queste, has spurred a lot of things to happen. It spurred Septimus to try and escape the Queste, it spurred the journey of Beetle, Jenna, and Septimus to try and find Nicko and Snorri, and now it has had a big impact on what they were originally planning to do, as you can see in the quote, which has Beetle trying to get Jenna understand the importance of how the Queste was going to change their original plans. Therefore, it had a big impact on the events that unfolded.
Book: Syren
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 3 - 50
Septimus thinks that a stranger who wished ill of him tried to get a "SafeCharm" to him in order to darken his fate, as had happened before to him, when really it was from Aunt Zelda. Barney Pot, who was supposed to give Septimus the SafeCharm, believes that Septimus was simply being stubborn and that terrible things would happen if he did not give Septimus the SafeCharm. Aunt Zelda thinks that Septimus got the SafeCharm she wanted to give him to keep him safe, and she is satisfied in his well-being. You can tell all these conflicting perspectives when it is stated, "Septimus shook his head. 'No, I don't have to take it.' Barney was horrified. He had promised to deliver a SafeCharm and deliver it he must. Awful things happened to people who promised to deliver SafeCharms and then didn't....Septimus looked at Barney. He felt sorry for the boy. 'Barney, a word of advice - never take a SafeCharm from anyone. Never.'" (Pg. 41) Also, you can see Aunt Zelda's perspective when it says, "Aunt Zelda sighed and told herself that at least Septimus had the SafeCharm - a live SafeCharm, no less." (Pg. 49) I believe that the author created this conflict in order to bring a feeling of frustration to the reader and to create a mood of forboding that Septimus did not have the SafeCharm.
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 474 - 515
Book: Syren
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 3 - 50
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Reading Log Week 3
Book: Queste
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 50 - 92
Merrin Meredith, or "the boy", is planning something mischevious and Darke. You can tell when, "'I want that scribe's job.' the boy replied. Beetle was shocked. "The scribe's job?' he asked. 'Yeah,' said the boy. He grinned, pleased at the effect he had had. 'Like I said, the scribe's job.' 'But-do you have any qualifications?' Beetle stammered. In reply, the boy leaned forward and clicked his finger and thumb in Beetle's face. A flicker of black flame appeared from the tip of his thumb. 'That's my qualification,' the boy said. Beetle sat down in his chair with a bump. He'd heard about Darke tricks, although he'd never actually seen one before." (Pg 82) This displays that Merrin is being very mysterious and withholding information from everyone but himself. I think that this is because he is planning something carefully orchestrated to "Darken the Destiny of AnOther", which would be Septimus, of course, seeing as Merrin has quite the ill feelings toward him and wants him dead because Merrin used to be called Septimus before they discovered the truth about who was really who.
Book: Queste
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 92 - 126
Book: Queste
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 126 - 170
Marcellus is a strange man with very little knowledge about the world around him and an old, old man's mind. This is stated here, "He was wearing what Beetle knew - from old engravings - were the black and gold robes of an Alchemist.....A feeling of unreality stole over Beetle. Marcellus Pye was five hundred years old. He was the Last Alchemist." (Pg 166-167) As you can see, Marcellus Pye was very odd in this new time and should not exist. I believe that he left his old Time in order to get the Eternal Youth Potion from Septimus, and he would essentially live forever.
Book: Queste
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 170 - 210
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 50 - 92
Book: Queste
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 92 - 126
Book: Queste
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 126 - 170
Book: Queste
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 170 - 210
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Reading Log Week 2
Book: Physik
Author: Angie Sage
Date: 10/14/11
Pages Read: 70 - 106
Queen Etheldredda has ill intentions for Jenna and Septimus, and possibly for the entire castle. You can see this when she says, "'I have something to tell you, Granddaughter, and I suggest you listen well. It will be greatly to your adoptive brother's disadvantage if you do not.' Jenna stopped - she recognized a threat when she heard one."(Pg 90) This displays that Queen Etheldredda is going to tell Jenna something that will hurt Septimus. A blackmail. I believe she has ill intentions for Septimus and Jenna because she wants to regain power at the castle, and is therefore trying to rid the castle of any obstacles in her way.
Book: Physik
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 153 - 192
I have noticed that the people do not tend to notice Jenna as the Princess until they have shown disrespect. One example of this is, "In a moment the RatStranglers had surrounded the kennel, banging their lids and chanting.... the noise subsided as the RatStranglers, who in their excitement had not noticed the Princess, put down their lids. The chant petered out into an embarrassed silence." (Pg. 191) Another example is, "A moment later the window was thrown open and an angry Wizard poked her head out. 'Hey!' she yelled. 'Can't you keep that beast under control? It took me three days to scrape the last stuff off,' and then, seeing that it was Jenna rather than Septimus with the dragon, 'Oh. Oh, dear. Sorry, Your Majesty,' and slammed the window closed." (Pg. 185) These were only a couple of many examples when the citizens of the Castle show disrespect, as they would to a fellow citizen, and then become embarrassed and humble when they realize it is the Princess. I think they do this many times to display how Jenna has recently realized she is the Princess and is not used to being shown respect, and neither are the citizens in showing respect.
Author: Angie Sage
Date: 10/14/11
Pages Read: 70 - 106
Book: Physik
Author: Angie Sage
Pages Read: 153 - 192
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Reading Log #2
Book: Shiva's Fire
Author: Suzanne Fisher
Pages Read: 42-60
The town was joyous and celebratory. For example, "The rich smells of idli steaming and spicy sambhar bubbling mingled deliciously with the smoky haze and the sweetness of jasmine and sandalwood and a breeze heavy with expectant rain." The town smelled delicious and expectant, therefore giving a mood of happiness and celebration.
Book: Shiva's Fire
Author: Suzanne Fisher
Pages Read: 42-60
The town was joyous and celebratory. For example, "The rich smells of idli steaming and spicy sambhar bubbling mingled deliciously with the smoky haze and the sweetness of jasmine and sandalwood and a breeze heavy with expectant rain." The town smelled delicious and expectant, therefore giving a mood of happiness and celebration.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Reading Log Week 1
Book: Fahrenheit 451
Author: Ray Bradbury
Pages Read: 94 - 134
No one cares about anyone's life. A death is either a spectacle to be enjoyed or the person simply dropped off the face of the earth. "'He said, if I get killed off, you just go right ahead and don't cry, but get married again and don't think of me.'" (Pg. 95) No one wants to grieve or be sad, so they refuse to care and love because it would inevitably lead to sadness.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Water Turned Red
Someone screamed. My blood pounded through me with a cruel rhythm. How could one wondrous day go so wrong? It had started so wonderfully. I could replay it in my head so clearly...
“Daddy, can we go again?”
“Yeah, let’s go again, Daddy, let’s go again!”
My father peered down at us as if we had each just eaten a piece of gum off the ground, “Why would you even ask such a question? Let’s go!”
And with that, my two sisters, one older, one younger, snatched an innertube from the rack and barrelled up the stairs. I waited until Corinne’s ten year old behind and Kierra’s six year old feet had vanished around the corner before I snatched an innertube myself, with help from my father, and began trudging up those endless stairs. The slide was incredible. It was called the Viper. Of course it was amazing! However, it took so much work each time to simply reach that height.
We were at one of my favorite places in the world I knew. I was only seven, so my world consisted of my house, the grocery store, school, and Sixflags. I simply loved it, from the colorful, slip-n-slide walkways, the excited shrieks of laughter from some distant ride, the fragrance of churros, salty pretzels, and those irresistable curly fries. It just made a warm feeling blossom inside me.
And that warm feeling went to go cower in a corner of my heart as I commenced to ascend these torturous concrete stairs for the sixth time. I had already suggested to my sisters twice that perhaps we should try another ride, as this one left me panting, arms dead, when I finally arrived at the beginning of the slide.
My father scooted me along as I struggled to maintain upright while carrying a neon yellow innertube that was twice my size. Almost to the corner my sisters had rounded. Come on, how could a seven year old be expected to complete this trek six times? Then a small voice inside my head retorted, Kierra’s done it, and will probably wish to go on a seventh.
After attempting several different forms of holding the innertube and thoroughly failing at all of them, my father said a clearly impromptu statement that had simply popped into his mind, “Why don’t you carry it like a turtle?” What he meant was to have it draped over my back and grasp the handles on either side. I did so, and suddenly my journey became lighter. Up and up I escalated, focusing simply on keeping this cursed tube on my back.
The stairs became wetter as we neared the top. I was just telling my dad how we were almost there, when the ground slid from beneath my feet as if gravity was frustrated I was beating it, cheating it from seeing me struggle. My hands reached out to catch me, but wait, they weren’t in front of me. They were struggling against the handles they were hooked around, unable to escape, sealing my fate.
And now I was dead, the pain was so intense it was unbearable. I had to die, no one could endure this kind of agony and live. Sobs escaped my lips before I could stop them. Red, red, everywhere, tears were falling down my cheeks, vanishing among the red. A tremor, a frightened shiver, passed through me as I realized I might not survive. My head was broken open, I couldn’t see, but I could. See, do you see the disgusting, putrid, gum-encrusted concrete stair? Look, Dad turned me over and grabbed my hands, which for some reason seem fused to the handles. Did you hear that? Bump, bump...bump, heart? It was like a soothing lullaby, muting everything around me. Then, suddenly, the world’s sounds broke through my hearing, and everything was a blur of color and sounds and my dad.
Then someone screamed. A long, blood-curdling scream. In that one noise was all the sadness, the terror, the grief of the world, and it was beautiful. It was one of the only things that can sneak its way into your heart, your soul, get you to shut up and take in the world around you and realize it’s beautiful. That one, terrible scream, painted a perfect picture in my head, of 9/11, of people going to war, of a son holding his mother’s hand until the last second. How sadness can break a person, or make you stronger. Of the beauty of sadness.
Before I knew what was happening, my dad had me flung over his back like a rag doll and was sprinting to the first aid tent, vaulting over curbs and decorative bushes to cut a straight path to it. The pounding of my dad’s feet reverberated through me like thunder. The shrieks of laughter were now cries of distress. The vendors harassing people to buy their worthless souvenirs were background noise, a simple hum. I saw every face we passed, my eyes probed theirs unwillingly, I could see the shock, the denial, the disgust as I passed. The glaring neon colors forced themselves into my sight, the treacherous, ominous ground a new danger as my father held my fate in his hands. And then we passed one certain teenage girl. She stared at me, this pathetic little child with a head that was ajar, and said, “Eww, blood!” in such a way that at that very moment I felt unloved and a revolting, unwanted little piece of vermin. Then time resumed, and the people passing showed me their faces only for me to see how disgusted they were with me.
My dad spoke in a voice that was shaken to the core, “You should probably close your eyes.” And I did.
“You are such a little trooper!” the nurse chirped for the fiftieth time. I sat there on the crackling white paper, breathing in fumes of cough syrup and antibacterial soap. The grubby, gray ground stood out against the pure white walls and ceiling like a bleeding, crying girl in the middle of a waterpark. The nurse smiled at me with an expression that suggested I was three. I didn’t know which was worse: The overwhelming colors of the waterpark, or being trapped in this room that seemed to have cast all color from it. The gauze being wrapped around my head smelled like absolutely nothing, and compared to the white-washed room, the peach color of the gauze looked colorful. My dad and the nurse had been taking turns telling me how “brave” and “a trooper” I was, but I didn’t understand what I had done that made me so great. Live? Not cry too loud? It didn’t make any sense. However, I kept my mouth shut. She finally finished wrapping the bandage.
How happy I was to be alive, they had no idea. My dad beckoned to me, and pulled me close. In that one warm gesture, it struck me how fragile life was, and how one moment can sculpt someone’s entire view of the world. From then on, I vowed to be the best I can be to anyone I meet.
And with that, taking my little sister’s and my big sister’s hand, we went home.
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